Time management is an important and sought-after skill, and if that’s something you’re good at, you should definitely mention it. How can you demonstrate that you’re well organised? In your video CV, you might answer questions such as:
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Creativity + planning = strategic thinking, and if you’re good at it, remember to mention this skill in your video CV!
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Even if you work mostly independently, there will come a time when you’ll need to work with others. Here’s a couple of questions that might inspire you to highlight excellent teamworking skills:
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Good communication skills are key to effective collaboration in the 21st century. If you can communicate your ideas clearly and concisely, you can reduce the likelihood of mistakes and misunderstandings. If effective communication is your strong suit – be sure to mention it! The question is how, right? Here’s a couple of prompts that might help you get the ball rolling:
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Review and dissemination
Review and dissemination
After you finish your video and before you start planning how you can share it, it might be worth taking some time to evaluate your video. While a video CV can help your chances of getting a job it can also hurt 🤕 them. Here’s a short checklist of things to consider before sending out your video CV.
Review and dissemination
Review and dissemination
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Even if you do not own a camera and professional editing software, there’s plenty of resources that you consider. Here’s a couple of suggestions:
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Filming Checklist: audio
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