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Strategic thinking
Strategic thinking


Strategic thinking
Strategic thinking


“The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it.”

Abraham Lincoln

Creativity + planning = strategic thinking, and if you’re good at it, remember to mention this skill in your video CV!

  • What are your career goals? Are your ambitions reasonable and in line with the organisation’s/company's goals?
  • How and if you would change the company/organisation?
  • How would you contribute to its growth?
  • Can picture what the organisation could transform into with you?
  • You could possibly show your prospective employers what it would be like to work with you.

Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?
Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?


Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?
Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?


“I don't get tripped up in technology. I use technology as a tool.”

Spike Lee

Even if you do not own a camera and professional editing software, there’s plenty of resources that you consider. Here’s a couple of suggestions:

  • Visit your local library, Community center, youth center or contact NGOs that help people find employment
  • You can always rent or borrow equipment
  • Create a video using alternatives (ppt, online open-source tools, Blender, Google slides, iMovie ...)
  • Remember you do not have to use professional cameras to create a video, you can always record your video with your phone, tablet or your laptop.





“The notion of directing a film is the invention of critics - the whole eloquence of cinema is achieved in the editing room.”

Orson Welles

It is easy to underestimate the amount of work that goes into editing your video. It’s predominantly a technical process, but the creative aspects are crucial to the success of your story. We suggest using WeVideo, which is an online, cloud-based video editing platform that works in web browsers and on mobile devices (Android and iOS) but there are many alternatives. For example:

  • Microsoft Video Editor (FREE in Windows 10)
  • Blender (FREE)
  • iMovie (FREE for iOS)
  • Lightworks (FREE)
It is very important that you make sure you’re not breaching any copyright related regulations. It is safest to use only material that you create yourself, but if you choose to use other images, music or videos, it is always a good idea to check the licensing information and obtain permission where necessary.





“You can have all the tools in the world but if you don't genuinely believe in yourself, it's useless.”

Ken Jeong

The ability to stay motivated, even if something goes wrong, is an important and sought-after skill. Here’s a couple of examples that might help you demonstrate this ability:

  • How do you stay motivated? What inspires you to keep going?
  • Do you set yourself SMART goals?
  • Do you practice positive self-talk?
  • Do you try to surround yourself with positive people?
  • How do you reward yourself?

  Project development is a creative endeavour?
Project development is a creative endeavour?


  Project development is a creative endeavour?
Project development is a creative endeavour?


“Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent.”

David Rockwell

Creativity is not just about generating ideas. We could argue that project development as a whole is a creative endeavour. If you’re not entirely convinced yet, bear with us for a moment! What we mean is that projects evolve, take unexpected turns and in fact people rarely end up with the result that they envisioned at the very beginning. This whole project development process requires an open mind and willingness to learn, invent, reinvent and create along the way. You could show off your creativity competence by focusing your digital story on project development experience!

  • Have you developed any projects?
  • How has the creativity competence helped you along the way?
  • How did your creativity help you manage your team/or become a better team player?
  • Have you ever identified an opportunity to develop a project differently in order to achieve better/more desirable results?

How does your creativity competence help you make unexpected links?
How does your creativity competence help you make unexpected links?


How does your creativity competence help you make unexpected links?
How does your creativity competence help you make unexpected links?


“When you see someone putting on his Big Boots, you can be pretty sure that an Adventure is going to happen.”

Winnie the Pooh

Creativity is about making unexpected connections, looking at the world or a problem/task from a different perspective, and/or combining things that usually do not belong together. Here’s a couple of prompts that might help you demonstrate your ability to make unexpected connections:

  • Have you ever made an unexpected link? Could you talk more about a specific situation? What problem did you help solve?
  • Would you consider yourself a divergent thinker? Why?
  • Are you familiar with the SCAMPER, 6-3-5 brainwriting, thinking hats or similar techniques? Do you use them? What do you like about them? Do you maybe recall an instance you used one of these techniques with your colleagues?

Getting out of your comfort zone
Getting out of your comfort zone


Getting out of your comfort zone
Getting out of your comfort zone


“Comfort can be dangerous. Comfort provides a floor but also a ceiling.”

Trevor Noah

Most people are nervous about getting out of their comfort zone but that’s probably one of the best ways to learn and improve. You could show your potential employer how you do it and handle situations in which stepping out of your comfort zone is necessary. Here’s a couple of things you might cover when describing how you get out of your comfort zone:

  • List 5 things that push you out of your comfort zone. When did you experience these?
  • Do you actively seek new ways and opportunities that would get you out of your comfort zone?

Active listening
Active listening


Active listening
Active listening


“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”


Active listening is a prerequisite for effective collaboration. This can help avoid miscommunication and improves teamwork in the workplace. Here’s a couple of questions you might answer in order to demonstrate this skill:

  • Do you consider yourself good at actively listening to others? Why?
  • What do you think takes to be a good listener? Why?
  • Do you demonstrate concern and try to build trust when you communicate with another person? Do you think that’s important? Why?
  • Do you observe non-verbal cues when you talk to other people? Do you think it helps to understand people better? Why?
  • If you don’t fully understand something, do you ask other person to clarify or rephrase?
  • Why do you think that’s important?