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Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?
Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?


Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?
Don’t have professional equipment to film your video?


“I don't get tripped up in technology. I use technology as a tool.”

Spike Lee

Even if you do not own a camera and professional editing software, there’s plenty of resources that you consider. Here’s a couple of suggestions:

  • Visit your local library, Community center, youth center or contact NGOs that help people find employment
  • You can always rent or borrow equipment
  • Create a video using alternatives (ppt, online open-source tools, Blender, Google slides, iMovie ...)
  • Remember you do not have to use professional cameras to create a video, you can always record your video with your phone, tablet or your laptop.

  Project development is a creative endeavour?
Project development is a creative endeavour?


  Project development is a creative endeavour?
Project development is a creative endeavour?


“Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent.”

David Rockwell

Creativity is not just about generating ideas. We could argue that project development as a whole is a creative endeavour. If you’re not entirely convinced yet, bear with us for a moment! What we mean is that projects evolve, take unexpected turns and in fact people rarely end up with the result that they envisioned at the very beginning. This whole project development process requires an open mind and willingness to learn, invent, reinvent and create along the way. You could show off your creativity competence by focusing your digital story on project development experience!

  • Have you developed any projects?
  • How has the creativity competence helped you along the way?
  • How did your creativity help you manage your team/or become a better team player?
  • Have you ever identified an opportunity to develop a project differently in order to achieve better/more desirable results?

Ability to prioritise
Ability to prioritise


Ability to prioritise
Ability to prioritise


“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The ability to set your priorities straight is invaluable. We can guarantee you that your future employer is looking for team members that can identify the most important tasks and get to them immediately rather than focusing on tasks of lower importance. Do you think you’re great at prioritising tasks? If so, you should definitely mention that in your video CV. Here’s a couple of questions that might help you get started thinking about how to best demonstrate this skill in your video:

  • Tell us about a situation where you had too much to do. How did you go through all the tasks?
  • How do you prioritize goals? Do you have a method, a checklist?
  • Do you set yourself goals? Do you do so in your professional and in your personal life? You could talk more about a goal that you set yourself and how you achieved it.
  • Do you set S.M.A.R.T goals?

Active listening
Active listening


Active listening
Active listening


“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”


Active listening is a prerequisite for effective collaboration. This can help avoid miscommunication and improves teamwork in the workplace. Here’s a couple of questions you might answer in order to demonstrate this skill:

  • Do you consider yourself good at actively listening to others? Why?
  • What do you think takes to be a good listener? Why?
  • Do you demonstrate concern and try to build trust when you communicate with another person? Do you think that’s important? Why?
  • Do you observe non-verbal cues when you talk to other people? Do you think it helps to understand people better? Why?
  • If you don’t fully understand something, do you ask other person to clarify or rephrase?
  • Why do you think that’s important?


Review and dissemination


Review and dissemination

"Measure twice and cut once."



  1. Don't send out your video resume if you got feedback that it might be offensive
  2. if you're not happy with the outcome, the quality is not up to your standard (sometimes it might do more harm than good)
  3. Don't try to include everything you've done
  4. Don't just read out your resume
  5. Don't criticise your previous employer
  6. Don't get too personal

Problem solving
Problem solving


Problem solving
Problem solving


“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”

Albert Einstein

Creativity is one of the competences essential to problem solving. Rules, guidelines and best practice manuals are helpful and can get you a result but they are not always available. Furthermore, in order to achieve extraordinary results, everyone needs to sometimes think “outside the box”. Demonstrate your problem-solving skills by answering the questions below 👇

  • What problem-solving event are you most proud of? Why and what happened?
  • How do you ensure that after having dealt with problems they do not repeat? Have you developed a method/technique to solve similar problems?
  • Tell us about a situation where you used creative thinking to eliminate frustration with a product/situation or a process.
  • Describe a situation where you had to think “outside the box” and how did you go about it?





“I like to juggle with one ball at a time. Then I put the ball down and do nothing for extended periods of time.”

Rowan Atkinson

Chances are that you will have to work on different projects simultaneously. If you’re able to effectively manage multiple assignments and ensure that all of them get the attention they deserve, you should consider mentioning this skill in your video CV. You could answer questions such as:

  • Are you able to prioritise? How?
  • How do you simultaneously work on different projects?
  • How do you adjust project schedules to maximize productivity?

Willingness to listen and understand different points of view
Willingness to listen and understand different points of view


Willingness to listen and understand different points of view
Willingness to listen and understand different points of view


“We all look at the same object in different ways.”

Kehinde Wiley

Listening and trying to understand different opinions and points of view are crucial to ensure effective teamwork. However, this requires a certain level of flexibility and willingness to compromise. Here’s a couple of prompts that might help you demonstrate this skill:

  • How do you keep an open mind in a workplace?
  • How do you take criticism?
  • Even if you disagree with your colleagues are you willing to (for instance) try out their suggestions?
  • Would you consider yourself tolerant? Why?
  • Do you consider yourself an fair-minded person? Why?
  • Are you curious to hear what other people think?